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Beauty + Brains is an online community dedicated to providing a space of comfort and growth. B+B offers educational workshops in schools and hands-on experience for kids. It also interviews professionals to share their stories and discuss inclusion, diversity, and equity topics.

Our Causes

Work We Do


Advocacy is an essential pillar of our Organizartion. There is strength in unity, and we work to educate and encourage others to take a stand for what they believe in. 


We believe that the best solutions for society come from within, and make it our mission to build awareness so that this is a possibility across the globe.


Beauty + Brains has built an environment of support and helpful resources to make sure that Partnership is always a priority. Our success is driven by the hearts, minds, and souls of our community. 

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Grow Your Vision

Our Partnership

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B+B joined Caribbean Robotics Academy's mission and adopted the Girl Powered Initiative in Puerto Rico to increase female student interest and participation in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) by engaging them in robotics engineering platforms.

Redefining the face of STEM!

Beauty + Brains works with Caribbean Robotics Academy, Official Event Partner of the Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation to make robotics reflective of the diverse world we live in, and the one we want to leave behind.


We're committed to showing how exciting it is to be involved with STEM, showcasing examples of how women are changing the world, providing tools for success, and enabling comfortable environments where all students' confidence and abilities can flourish.


Girl Powered means supporting all your teammates, classmates, friends and family to try new things and reach outside their comfort zone. Being Girl Powered means finding people who you don’t see in robotics, getting them to try it, and making them feel like they belong. It is about encouraging others, both girls, and boys, to actively embrace a more diverse culture. We want to encourage new experiences, a diverse culture, and a more encompassing definition of what a roboticist looks like.

Diversity + Inclusion

Studies have shown that girls and boys show equal interest in science and math in elementary school and show that girls lose this interest in middle school for a variety of reasons¹, yet women represent 30% of the STEM workforce². Our mission with Girl Powered is to work to change this reality and to re-define the face of STEM by including diversity and all humans to the table. This initiative is intended to bring all students who are interested together, to show them that they are welcome in the robotics community. We believe in the power of diverse creative teams and want to make sure our programs attract as many students interested in STEM as possible. We want to create and engage communities of support for inclusive environments to break down societal obstacles and provide opportunities for everyone to decide if robotics and STEM is right for them.

Does this mean Girl Powered excludes boys? Absolutely not, we are not pushing boys out. We think robotics is for everyone. The world needs a diverse cast of problem solvers and engineers. No two people see things the same way. We all have different backgrounds and different approaches to creative thinking.

Girl Powered Information extracted from Robotics Education and Competition Foundation page.  



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